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Vinyasa Yoga Workshops


t/m 11 juni

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Sporthal Ark Van Oost
Cipresstraat 154
6523 HR Nijmegen
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Relax your mind and energize your body!

Ready to unwind?

Join the healing Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga classes of our impressive yoga teacher Jean Hsu, with attention to the breath, the healing power of singing bowls and a lot of personal attention.

All levels are welcome! Jean is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese, and has knowledge of Korean and Japanese. Jean is currently learning Dutch with great enthusiasm because she loves knowing multiple languages and connecting with people from around the world.

Jean: ''I firmly believe that yoga is the most effective way to find peace in our daily lives. Give your mind the confidence that your body is capable of relaxation. Give it a try and discover how you can manage stress and improve your health!''

A donation of…

Relax your mind and energize your body!

Ready to unwind?

Join the healing Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga classes of our impressive yoga teacher Jean Hsu, with attention to the breath, the healing power of singing bowls and a lot of personal attention.

All levels are welcome! Jean is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese, and has knowledge of Korean and Japanese. Jean is currently learning Dutch with great enthusiasm because she loves knowing multiple languages and connecting with people from around the world.

Jean: ''I firmly believe that yoga is the most effective way to find peace in our daily lives. Give your mind the confidence that your body is capable of relaxation. Give it a try and discover how you can manage stress and improve your health!''

A donation of 5 euros or more is greatly appreciated to keep our yoga vibes sustainable and accessible. These workshops are made possible thanks to the partnership with Dream Agency and Dar al Yasmin Foundation.

Ontspan je geest en geef je lichaam energie!

Doe mee met de geneeskrachtige Hatha en Vinyasa Yoga lessen van onze indrukwekkende yoga docente Jean Hsu, met aandacht voor de adem, de helende kracht van klankschalen en veel persoonlijke aandacht.

Alle niveaus zijn welkom! Jean spreekt vloeiend Engels, Mandarijn en Kantonees, en heeft kenis van Koreaans en Japans. Met veel enthousiasme leert Jean momenteel Nederlands omdat zij ervan overtuigd is dat taalkennis van onschatbare waarde is om verbinding te maken met mensen van diverse internationale achtergronden.

Jean: 'Ik geloof sterk dat yoga de meest doeltreffende methode is om innerlijke rust te vinden te midden van ons drukke dagelijkse leven. Geef je geest het vertrouwen dat je lichaam in staat is tot ontspanning. Probeer het eens en ontdek hoe je met stress om kunt gaan en je gezondheid kan verbeteren!'

Een donatie van 5 euro of meer wordt gewaardeerd om onze yogavibes duuzaam en toegankelijk te houden. Deze workshops worden mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de samenwerking met de Stichting Dar al Yasmin.


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